Statewide Clubs
Colorado Hispanic Republicans is a non-profit, center-right organization dedicated to increasing the Hispanic community’s awareness of public policy issues and helping Hispanics align their votes and their affiliation to their cultural values of Faith, Family and Freedom.
Greg Lopez, President/CEO

Colorado Federation of College Republicans
We the Colorado Federation of College Republicans are advocating for the conservative principles of limited government, free market economics, personal responsibility, and individual rights when our college campuses won’t. Collaborating with the local Republican entities and other like-minded groups to build our coalition. Providing the necessary tools for aspiring young conservative leaders to flourish and to confidently fight to preserve liberty on their campuses and beyond.
Alyssa Khamma, Chair
The Colorado Federation of Republican Women (CFRW) provides an avenue of political involvement for women who share the Republican philosophy. We possess a unique mixture of older and younger members who together, provide a winning combination of experience and innovation.
Barbara Piper, President
Colorado Republican Business Coalition
The Colorado Republican Business Coalition’s mission is to promote the interests of small business among policy makers and opinion leaders, to inform and educate on legislation that helps or hurts Colorado businesses, and to encourage citizens in business to participate in the political process.
Susan Kochevar, Chairman
The Young Republicans (YRs) are the oldest political youth organization in the United States. Important to the growth of the Republican Party, the YRs reach out to registered Republicans, 18 to 40 years of age, and provide them with better political knowledge and understanding of the issues of the day.
Justin Buxman, Chairman
Denver Metro Young Republicans (DMYR)
Denver Metro Young Republicans are an independent Republican club with over 40 years of tradition and service. We serve the seven counties in and around the Denver Metro area. Many of Colorado’s elected officials are DMYR alumni.
Ellie Reynolds, President
Facebook: Denver Metro Young Republicans
Colorado Jewish Republicans
J-GOP is a social and political organization that is more than 20 years old. Meeting at the East Side Kosher Deli in SE Denver for many years with 20 to 40 attendees on a regular basis. We welcome both Conservative and Republican minded Jews and non-Jews of any denomination to attend and become active members of our organization.
Dan Kopelman, President
National Asian Indian Republican Association (NAIRA)
National Asian Indian Republican Association (NAIRA) is a forum dedicated to championing the cause of Asian Indians within the GOP (Republican Party). NAIRA is a response to the void in the representation of Asian Indians in the Republican Party, and its motto is: “Promoting Economic and Political Opportunity for the Asian Indian Community.”
Nosh Tarachand, Chairman
Log Cabin Republicans is the nation’s original and largest organization of Republicans who support fairness, freedom, and equality for LGBT Americans. Log Cabin Republicans has state and local chapters nationwide, full-time staff in Washington, DC, a federal political action committee, and state political action committees.
Valdamar Archuleta, President

The mission of the Reagan club is to support and promote candidates who believe in the Constitution, smaller government, lower tax rates, and personal freedom and to make available venues for fundraising events and candidate promotions.
Michael Stoffler, President
Lincoln Club of Colorado
Meetings every 4th Wednesday at 11:30 a.m.
Denver Athletic Club – 1325 Glenarm – Denver
Luncheon: $20 Members – $25 Guests – $5 Walk-in Fee – $5 Parking garage available. Reservations by Monday before meeting to Chris Murray 303 223-1183 or [email protected]. We regret we must bill no shows.
Visit us at or like us at
Chris Murray, President
Russian Republican Club
Russian Republican Club is a statewide organization dedicated to promoting Republican principles and values among the growing Russian-speaking population in the State of Colorado and beyond. Our goal is to empower the community by providing opportunities for the Russian-speaking to become actively involved in the civic and political processes of their state and country. Moreover, we believe that Russian-speaking republicans can play a vital role in determining the future of our nation by better integrating into the American society.
Together We Are Stronger!